Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ashish Dangwal

2632 POSTS
Ashish Dangwal holds a Master's degree in East-Asian studies and has a deep interest in Defence and Geopolitics related issues. He is interested in the impact of technology on foreign policy objectives as well as geopolitical operationality in the Indo-Pacific. Contact:

Aero India: F-35 Demo Team Not Coming But Stealth Aircraft Will Be Present For Static Display, Flyby Demo: U.S. Confirms

Amid swirling reports about the U.S. Air Force pulling out F-35 aircraft from Aero India 2025, the United States Air Force (USAF) has clarified...

Ukraine War: Return Of World War-1 Strategies To Europe? France Asks Car Firms To Produce Kamikaze Drones – Reports

The French government has reportedly called on the civilian industry, including the automotive sector, to adapt their production lines for large-scale military manufacturing—specifically, the...

“Not Even A Scratch”! China Claims Its Type-55 Destroyer, Aided By Drone Mothership, Repelled U.S. Navy Fleet In Wargames

The U.S. Navy’s strategy to “field multiple thousands of all-domain, attritable autonomous systems to warfighters by August of 2025″ is well on track, according...

“Decisive Blow To Germans” — Russians Commemorate ‘Most Successful Submariner’ For Heroic Act 80 Years Ago

On January 30, 1945, approximately 80 years ago, the Soviet submarine S-13, commanded by Captain 3rd Rank Alexander Marinesko, struck a decisive blow to...

U.S. Navy’s “Game Changing” Drone To Take Flight In 2025; Operate From Aircraft Carriers By 2026: “Air Boss”

The US Navy is gearing up for a major milestone in unmanned aviation, with the service’s “Air Boss” confirming plans to conduct the first...

Ashish Dangwal

2632 POSTS
Ashish Dangwal holds a Master's degree in East-Asian studies and has a deep interest in Defence and Geopolitics related issues. He is interested in the impact of technology on foreign policy objectives as well as geopolitical operationality in the Indo-Pacific. Contact: