From Taiwan To Malacca – US Now Holds Massive Drills With Indian Navy To Infuriate China
The Indian military base in Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANC) is strategically located at the mouth of Malacca Strait, a vital trade route for China, which India plans to choke should China get more hostile in the Indian Ocean Region.
Russia Again Call US’ Defence Systems Useless; Incapable Of Intercepting Cruise Missiles
Russia has again takes a pot-shot at the US and its missile defence systems. The chief of the Russian National Centre for Nuclear Risk...
Canada Denounces Indian Citizen Amendment Act; Calls It Discriminatory Against Muslims
The Citizen Amendment Act, brought in by PM Narendra Modi, allows six religious minority communities – Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, Hindu and Sikh – to apply for citizenship if they are able to prove they are originally from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh. Muslims cannot.
Taiwan-China War: Taiwan’s ‘Yun Feng’ Missile Threatens To Devastate Beijing & Shanghai
Taiwan-China War: Even though many experts believe that the Republic of China with US support would fall quickly in the face of a Chinese onslaught, the reality is far from it. At Taiwan’s disposal is a growing arsenal of long-range, supersonic cruise missiles, including the deadly Yun Feng missile.
Anglo-American Hegemony Coming To End With The Rise Of China’s Technological Prowess
It is important to understand why the US is singlehandedly going after Huawei. Even though Huawei isn't a state-owned tech giant, it has received considerable support from the Chinese state including a $30bn line of credit from the China Development Bank.