Sunday, September 8, 2024


Aegis Missile Defense System: The US Missile Shield Deployment in Japan Threatens Russia’s Security

The Aegis Missile Defense System is a global defense system with a dual-purpose capability and potential. The deployment of the Aegis missile defense system...

F-35 India Deal: Is India Acquiring F-35 Lightning II Fighter Aircraft from the US?

Has the Indian Air Force requested for a briefing by Lockheed Martin on F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter? According to a high-ranking US...

War-Torn Northern Syria put US-Turkey at Loggerheads?

The Afrin region in Northern Syria is in a state of war and terror, and the central point of the conflict. With so many...

US Military Strategy to Maintain Supremacy Over Middle East to Counter Iran

The current US Military strategy focuses on maintaining influence over Iraq to enhance its supremacy in the Middle East. Why is the US Military...

Moldova to Buy Lethal Arms from NATO; Is History Being Re-Written?

Moldova is slated to buy lethal arms and weaponry from NATO, a first of its kinds move by Moldova in contemporary history. The army...