Friday, September 20, 2024


US Prepares to Counter North Korea’s Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles

The United States, along with its allies are conducting drills to counter Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM) emanating from North Korea.  The military officials said on Monday...

Donald Trump Evades Inquiry of Sexual Harassment Allegations

The White House led by Donald Trump on Monday evaded calls for a congressional investigation of allegations that Donald Trump sexually harassed women, saying...

WWE Wrestler Arrested for Beating Wife

Rich Swann, the professional WWE wrestler was arrested Saturday night in Gainesville, Florida, for allegedly falsely imprisoning and battering his newlywed wife, who is...

Can the US Deal with Combined Military Threat from Russia and China?

How will the US counter and respond to a combined threat from Russia and China? Will the European allies come to rescue in case...

Japan to Deploy Aegis Ashore Missile Defence System

After deployment of THAAD by South Korea, Will Japan also deploy Aegis Ashore Missile Defence System with ongoing tensions with North Korea and possible threats...