Thursday, September 19, 2024


Trump’s China Tour: Business and North Korea on Agenda

US President Donald Trump's China Tour Commences Soon: About 40 heads of US corporations will accompany US President Donald Trump during his state visit...

The New York truck driver was “Soldier of the caliphate” : ISIS

The terrorist organization ISIS (Islamic State) has hailed the New York truck driver as the "fighter" who killed eight people by slamming his truck...

World War 3 Looming? NATO chief calls for an urgent meeting with South Korea

Is the world really heading towards World War 3? Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary-General of NATO called for an urgent meeting in Seoul with South Korean...

US Pakistan relationship headed towards downhill?

Islamabad: After the US crackdown on the terrorism in Pakistan, the tension born in the relations between the two countries is increasing rapidly. Now Pakistan has...

Introduce Universal Citizenship: Bolivian President Evo Morales

Bolivian President Evo Morales believes that the problem of illegal immigration should be solved by introducing a single or "universal" citizenship for all the...