Thursday, September 19, 2024


Did Nikki Haley decline Trump’s offer to become US Secretary of State?

President of the United States Donald Trump at the outset considered Nikki Haley, the current permanent representative of the country to the UN, as...

US Threatens China with Economic Sanctions for Supporting North Korea

Julian Assange - Founder WikiLeaks, believes that US President Donald Trump will be removed from office if the United States severed trade relations with...

Declare George Soros a Terrorists: 100,000+ US Petitioners

More than 100 thousand people signed a petition on the site of the White House with a demand to declare billionaire George Soros a terrorist...

US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement Derails

US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement: President Donald Trump instructed his assistants to prepare documents on the US withdrawal from the free trade agreement with...

US order’s New Russian Ambassador to close Diplomatic Missions

The US demanded that Russia shut down three diplomatic sites on American territory by Saturday. This demarche Washington has taken against Moscow under the pretext...