Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Asia Pacific

Ladakh vs Doklam: What China Could Not Do In Doklam, It Has Now Achieved In Ladakh – Experts

Ladakh vs Doklam: In China's old package offer, it was believed that China asked Bhutan to give up claim on Doklam in exchange for Beijing ceding territory in the central section. This though has been resisted by Bhutan, apparently at India's behest.

China vs World: From India, US, Australia – Why Is Xi Jinping Picking-Up Conflict With Almost Every Country?

China's hostile behaviour towards almost every country in the world including India, US, Japan, Australia is seen as a deviation from Deng Xiaoping's tao...

China Says 80% Of Its Air Traffic Has Resumed In The Country

China on Friday said around 80% of its normal air traffic resumed in the post-coronavirus “new normal,” local media reported. At least 13,059 flights were...

China Urges The US To Withdraw ‘Erroneous’ Houston Decision

China on Friday asked the US to “withdraw its erroneous decision” ordering the closure of Chinese Consulate in Houston. Addressing a news conference in Beijing, China’s Foreign...

Why India Went Running To Russia After The Deadly India-China Border Clash At Galwan Valley?

After the border clash between soldiers of India and China at Galwan Valley, Rajnath Singh signed deals with Russia approving proposals to acquire 21 Mig 29 and 12 Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft. Why did India ignore the US and rushed to Russia for help?