Friday, September 20, 2024
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Asia Pacific

France Joins The US, UK In Slamming China For Persecution Of Uighur Muslims

France has joined the US and UK in criticizing China for the jailing religious minorities in Xinjiang. France has called the persecution of Uighur...

Joining China-Backed RCEP Not In India’s Interest – Indian Foreign Minster

The top minister said that the trade deficit of countries part of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) -- a free trade agreement in the Indo-Pacific region that India quit last November -- has nearly doubled over the past 15 years, while their manufacturing levels also remain abysmally low.

Indian Navy To Acquire ‘Submarine Killer’ That Even China & Russia Dreads

The P-8I Poseidon also has its own acoustic sensor and even a new hydrocarbon sensor that can “sniff” for fuel vapour from submarines. The Poseidon can carry five missiles, depth charges or torpedoes in a rotary launcher in the rear hull, and six more on underwing racks. 

Israel vs China: How Are Israeli Drones Battling Chinese UAVs On India-China Border?

India and China have been engaged in 'Battle of Drones". Israel is the key supplier of UAVs to the Indian Army while China is one of the biggest manufacturer and exporters of UAVs.

COVID-19: 98 US Soldiers, Citizens Test Positive For COVID-19 In South Korea

The US Forces Korea (USFK) said in a statement that six of its personnel and their four dependents contracted COVID-19 after arriving in South Korea between July 12 and 15.