Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Asia Pacific

China Vows To Halt The UK In Granting Residency to Hong Kongers

The Chinese government has vowed to halt the United Kingdom (UK) from granting residency to Hong Kongers. China says that it will take corresponding...

China-Australia Spat: Australia To Invest $270B In Defense Capabilities As Tensions Soar With China

Australia-China tensions are at a peak. The bilateral ties between two nations soured and tensions increased when Australia banned the Chinese telecommunication giant Huawei for its 5G services for security concerns.

China Blames Rising ‘Hindu Nationalism’ Behind India-China Border Conflict

India’s global power pursuit is driven by Hindu nationalism writes the Global Times, the Chinese government-controlled tabloid. The latest article comes after India banned...

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Economically & Logistically Unstable – Experts

China’s ambitious plan to transport oil across the Himalayas in Pakistan under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) might be “economically unsustainable” and actually benefit...

China-Australia Conflict Escalates As Beijing Slams Australia Over Espionage & Instigating Its Nationals

The conflict between China and Australia seems to be rising. China had earlier criticised the Five Eyes intelligence alliance which consists of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK,& US accusing it of cyber espionage, spying and surveillance on foreign governments, companies and individuals in violation of international law and basic norms for international relations.