Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeAsia Pacific

Asia Pacific

After The South China Sea, China Now Looks To Claim The Whole Of Antarctica

The inhabitable regions of the earth, the North and the South pole are now a point of contention among the global powers including the...

India, China Border Dispute In Ladakh As Dangerous As 1999 Kargil Incursions – Experts

The border dispute between India and China is escalating. As per experts, there is very little media coverage on the actual situation of the...

India-China Economic Warfare Intensifies; After FDIs, India Could Block FPIs From China Too

India is contemplating new restraints on foreign portfolio investments from China and Hong Kong after making government authorisation obligatory for any FDI from seven...

US’ Conflict With China More Dangerous Than It Was With The USSR – Experts

Amidst the rising tensions between the US and China, the US Air Force has now increased warplane activity over the South China Sea along...

China Furious With The US Over Torpedo Sales To ‘Renegade Province’ Taiwan

The US recently approved the sale of 18 MK-48 Mod6 Advanced Technology Heavy Weight Torpedoes to Taiwan valued at approximately $180 million, drawing sharp...