Friday, September 20, 2024
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Asia Pacific

Indian State Of Gujarat Luring Japan, US Companies To Shift Production Base From China

With the world battling the Covid-19 pandemic, many global organizations including Apple, Microsoft, Google are contemplating moving production lines out of China. Indian state...

Is China Planning To Attack Taiwan When US, Europe Are Busy With Covid-19?

China has been supplying face masks, testing kits, ventilators, bio suits, and medical equipments to help various countries tackle the coronavirus outbreak that first...

India, China Assure Nepal Of Unrestricted Assistance During Covid-19 Pandemic

India and China have assured Nepal Army Headquarters that both nations will continue to provide medical assistance to Nepal in the midst of pandemic...

Turkey Keen To Join China & Russia In Global PR Race That India Is Already Winning: OpEd

Covid-19 pandemic is a meticulous test for inter-country relations and also an ideal platform for many governments like the US, China, Russia, etc to project their...

Google, Microsoft To Move Out Of China; Vietnam, Thailand Set To Benefit The Most

The coronavirus pandemic has severely disrupted global business chains. Many companies and even some countries are now deciding to pull out from China and...