Friday, September 20, 2024
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Asia Pacific

Chinese Navy, Marine Commandos Detected In Karachi, Pakistan; Should India Be Anxious?

Satellite images recently revealed that a Pakistani Navy air-cushion vehicle (ACV) advancing towards Manora beach in Karachi, Pakistan. It has also come to the fore...

Brazil Mocks, Accuses, Infuriates China For Profiting From Coronavirus Pandemic

After the US, Brazil has accused China of being a mastermind of the deadly coronavirus. Earlier, as EurAsian Times reported, the U.S. intelligence community...

China’s Wet Markets Up & Running Again; Is Beijing In Breach Of International Laws? OpEd

What are the wet markets in China that seem to be jeopardizing the global health? While we are witnessing an alarming rise in the...

Actual Death Toll In Wuhan, China Could Be Over 40,000: Washington Post

Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus pandemic in China, has begun taking steps towards normalcy by easing stringent lockdown measure which were implemented...

TV Channels Blame China For Sending Masks Made From Underwear To Pakistan?

Pakistan's key ally China had pledged to send top-quality N-95 masks to the Islamic Republic affected by Covid-19 pandemic. However, the masks turned out...