Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Asia Pacific

How Gulf Nations Are Differently Reacting To Crackdown Of Muslims By Indian and Chinese Governments?

Recent diametrically opposed responses to repression of Muslims by China, India and other Asian countries highlight deep differences among Gulf states that ripple across...

China, Pakistan Heavily Criticised At UN For Persecution Of Religious Minorities

The US, UK and Canada highlighted the brutal crackdown of religious freedom by China and Pakistan and criticized Islamabad and Beijing for "persecuting and...

China, Pakistan Vow To Protect CPEC Projects, Gwadar Port Amid Regional Flare-Up

Pakistan's Interior Minister has expressed Islamabad's unwavering commitment to ensure effective security and successful completion of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects. Ijaz Ahmad Shah was...

China Raised Human Rights Violations in Kashmir At UNSC But Forgot Atrocities In Tibet and Xinjiang

At the recent UN closed-door meeting on Jammu and Kashmir at the UNSC, reports have emerged that China not only supported Pakistan on the...

Beijing Keen On Early Resolution Of India-China Border Dispute

The 22nd round of the India-China Special Representatives dialogue on the border issue will take place in New Delhi sometime in September. Dates for the...