Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeEurAsian Region

EurAsian Region

Russia Ready For Doomsday, Its ‘Deeply Buried’, Underground Nuclear Command Bunker Is Almost Complete

In a high-profile meeting held at the Kremlin on 11 November, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the completion of a strategic command post, possibly...

Why Chinese Drones Instead of Russian Su-30 Jets Could Have Helped Armenia Beat Azerbaijan In Karabakh War?

Armenia suffered significant military setbacks at the hand of Azerbaijani forces in the war over Nagorno-Karabakh, losing most of the originally Azerbaijani-inhabited territories it...

Akin To Airbus A380, Why This Russian Double-Decker ‘Behemoth’ Passenger Jet Never Took Off

Aerospace was one of the key sectors the erstwhile Soviet Union had attached utmost importance to. Subsequently, it propelled Russia’s military might with the...

How The US ‘Outflanked’ Communist Russia To Win The ‘Moon Race’ In The Summer Of 69

Humanity made unimaginable strides in space exploration starting the 1960s when the Cold War was at its peak. The fierce competition for global dominance...

Double Trouble: Massive Russian Transport Aircraft Skids Off The Runway After Engine Failure: Watch

An Antonov An-124 Condor strategic transport aircraft, operated by Russia’s Volga-Dnepr Airlines, was forced to make an emergency landing at Novosibirsk in Siberia after...