Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeEurAsian Region

EurAsian Region

Yak-130 – Why This Ageing Russian Aircraft Still Poses A Formidable Threat To Any World-Class Army?

Twenty four years after Yak-130, a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer and light fighter took its first flight, it is still enhancing the capabilities...

Does Vladimir Putin Really Suffer From Parkinson’s Disease Or Its Just Another Political Stunt To Save ‘Putinism’?

The media has been abuzz with the reports of Russian President Vladimir Putin planning to quit in January on the grounds of poor health....

Armenia Concedes; Signs Deal With Azerbaijan & Russia To End Nagorno-Karabakh War

Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia have finally signed an agreement to end six weeks of brutal fighting in the Nagorno-Karabakh region in a deal Armenian...

Top Indian Politician Writes Obituary of India-Russia Friendship; Advocates For Joining The US Camp

There are increasing concerns among many of India’s political elite about the growing bonhomie between Russia and China, and the fears of the possibility...

Watch The Russian ‘Sea Monster’ That Remains The Biggest Threat To American Super Carriers

For the most part of the century, the Soviet Union/Russia has been home to one of the most sturdy and reliable pieces of modern...