Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeEurAsian Region

EurAsian Region

How Indians Are Going All-Out In Support Of Armenia, Virtually & On-Ground, In Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict?

Despite the announcement of truce between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Indians are lending their unconditional support to Armenia on every possible forum. This goes against...

CLASH OF DRONES: How Israeli & Turkish Drones Have Created Havoc In Azerbaijan-Armenia War?

While reports of Azerbaijan using military drones against Armenia have been doing the rounds for more than a week, Baku has finally acknowledged the...

Are Russian Su-57, Chinese J-20 Really 5th-Gen Fighter Jets Capable Of Challenging US’ F-35 Aircraft?

While the Russian Su-57 and the Chinese J-20 fighter jets are touted as fifth-generation stealth fighters just like their counterparts - the American F-22...

Vladimir Putin Celebrates His Birthday By Launching Hypersonic Missile Capable Of Annihilating US Super Carriers

Marking the 68th birthday of President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Navy successfully conducted another test-firing of the hypersonic Zircon cruise missile, capable of achieving...

Vladimir Putin Finally Opens His Card On Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict & CSTO Pact

As the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan rages on, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Moscow will fulfil all its obligations within the...