Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeEurAsian Region

EurAsian Region

US To Exit From INF Treaty with Russia From February: Reports

The US will commence the process of withdrawing from the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) from February 2. This was announced on Wednesday, Deputy State...

UK Entangled in a Bitter Scuffle with Russia and China Over New Military Bases

The tension between Russia and the UK heightened as Moscow warned London against possible retaliation in the military bases in the Caribbean and Southeast...

Vietnam To Become 1st Country To Get Russian SU-57 5th Generation Fighter Jets

Will Vietnam get access to Russian 5th Generation Fighter Jets - SU-57? According to media reports, the Sukhoi Aircraft Manufacturing Group will commence the...

Russia Asks India To Re-Evaluate Purchase of Anti-Aircraft Guns From South Korea

The Russian government is apparently upset over New Delhi's decision to award a contract to a South Korean defence company for a self-propelled anti-aircraft defence...

Avangard Hypersonic Glide Vehicle Makes US Patriot Missile Defence System Obsolete?

The Avangard Hypersonic Glide Vehicle cruises twenty-seven times faster than the speed of sound, making it virtually impossible to intercept. This was stated by...