Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeEurAsian Region

EurAsian Region

Russia-India-China (RIC) Trilateral Meeting Symbol of Friendship and Historical Relations: Vladimir Putin

President Putin recommended holding Russia-India-China (RIC) trilateral meetings on a regular basis, in particular on the sidelines of large summits and international events. Russia-India-China...

Russia Treading Cautiously With Armenia After Velvet Revolution

The sudden regime change in Armenia following the Velvet Revolution was speculated to have far-reaching effects on the security dynamics in the South Caucasus, particularly with...

BRICS Countries Support New Quota Formula in the International Monetary Fund

BRICS countries support the development of a new quotas calculation formula in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to strengthen the stature of developing economies,...

S-400 Defence Systems Becomes Fully Operations in Crimea

The S-400 air defence systems have become fully operational in Crimea in Russia. Crimea is near the Russian-Ukrainian border, which was annexed by Russia...

Russia-Ukraine Relations Turn Sour; Poroshenko Accuses Putin of Dreaming of Rebuilding Russian Empire

Russia-Ukraine Relations continue to turn sour after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of attempting to rebuild “the Russian Empire” in...