Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Smoke Them Out! – NASA Astronaut, US Army Veteran Share Tricks Online To Sabotage Russian Tanks

Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and a retired US Army Officer, Mark Hertling, have posted a ‘how to guide’ for sabotaging a Russian T-72...

Putin’s ‘Robot Army’ – Russian Military Expert Says Moscow Could Unleash New Weapons To Break Ukraine Deadlock

Despite deploying a diverse arsenal of weapons ranging from the most powerful hypersonic missile to a Soviet-era armored train, Russia has been unable completely...

America’s ‘Dark Secret’ — Concealed For 50 Years, Why Did The US Nuke The First-Ever British Satellite?

As the Ukraine crisis continues to rage, the prospect of Russian nuclear weapons being used continues to trouble both the US and Europe. This...

Washington Finally Confirms Its Plan To Equip Ukraine With APKWS II Laser-Guided Rockets To Battle Russia

Pentagon has finally confirmed that the ‘laser-guided rocket equipment’ it had announced to be sent to Ukraine in early April is actually the Advanced...

Stab-In-The-Back For US? Are France & Germany Playing A “Double Game” In Russia’s War On Ukraine?

By Amb Gurjit Singh The Russian special operation in Ukraine shook the foundations of Europe's security plus energy matrix with Russia. Shocked into action, the...