

Russia Shoots Down ‘Moskva-Killer’ Neptune Anti-Ship Missile As Moscow Continues To Pound Ukraine – RuMoD

Russia and Ukraine are unleashing a barrage of missiles and drones against each other in an intensifying aerial battle. Russia now is claiming that...

Russian Su-34 Bombers Launch Scathing Attack On Ukraine From 30,000 Feet As RuAF Resumes Using UMPC-Kit Bombs – Expert

As the majority of Russian cutting-edge missiles and drones fired on Ukraine ended up being intercepted, there are reports that Moscow has resumed the...

‘Floating Under Ice’ – Russian Navy’s Nuclear Submarines Set To Conduct Ice Navigation Drills In The Arctic

Russia's Northern Fleet submariners are set to bolster their capabilities through an extensive training program focused on mastering ice navigation in the Arctic region.  The...

‘Phenomenal’ Patriot AD Missiles Score Big In Europe; To Manufacture Its Own SAMs In A Boost To Sky Shield Program

The last of the aid packages to Ukraine has been given, and the US coffers have run dry. As the war on its doorstep...

Ukraine ‘Masters’ Shooting Down Russia’s Invincible Missiles; NASAMS, Patriots ‘Kill’ Hypersonic Hype

In an aerial strike that began on December 29, Russia fired at least 300 different types of missiles and over 200 drones and killed...
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