Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeExpert Reviews

Expert Reviews

After Donkey & Underwear-Mask, Pakistan Accepts A New Offer From China

OpEd / Sarcasm: Amidst exquisite trade relations between Pakistan and China which include trading donkeys, human hair, brides, underwear masks, China is now further...

How China Is Squeezing & Conquering The World With The Philosophy Of Sun Tzu?

China is a country with an ancient past that preserves and follows its traditions, and for this reason, one can try to understand China’s...

Analyzing the ‘Goodwill’ Behind Pakistan’s Unusually Warm Gesture Towards The Sikh Community

The Kartarpur Sahib Gurudwara is revered by the Sikh community around the world. The final resting place of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism,...

A More Trumpian Europe: China’s Changing Perception in Europe’s Eyes

One of the defining features of President Trump’s administration is his approach to China. China-policy has always been an important aspect of American foreign...

With Al-Kadhimi as the New PM, Will Iraq’s Elite Still Dance to Tehran’s Tune?

Anti-government protestors and Iraq’s complex web of parliamentary blocs categorically rejected the mandates of former Prime Ministers Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi and Adnan al-Zurfi to...