Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeExpert Reviews

Expert Reviews

Egypt & Pakistan: Global Response to Coronavirus Exposes Governments’ Fault Lines: OpEd

There is a message in Pakistani and Egyptian efforts against the Coronavirus pandemic: neither ultra-conservative worldviews nor self-serving authoritarian policies aimed at regime enhancement...

Why Do Indians Have Better Chances Of Survival From COVID-19 Pandemic?

OpEd// The impact of the epidemic depends on three factors: the infectivity and virulence of the agent, the susceptibility of the host, and the...

UAE’s Sweeping Responses Prove Effective as Covid-19 Pandemic Spreads

The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), has impacted travel and shaken the global economy. For the first time in over a decade, the demand for...

China Emerges As A Global Saviour For Both ‘Friends & Foes’ During Covid-19 Pandemic?

With the world combating the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, China is projecting its image as the global saviour that will pull the world out...

Responsivity Continuum: Emerging Cornerstone of Pakistan Navy’s Capability Development and Operation Direction: OpEd

Responsivity, in generic terms, means a degree to which something is responsive, i.e., it can respond to various stimuli. Technically, the term is used...