Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeExpert Reviews

Expert Reviews

The Fog Of Misunderstanding That Surrounds Kashmir – The Turkish Narrative

Kashmir is in the midst of witnessing one of the most comprehensive information blackouts in India’s modern history. This communication blockade is a result...

Iran Looms Large in Central Asia Despite Sanctions & Saudi Financial Muscle

Saudi Arabia may have been getting more than it bargained for when authorities in Khujand, Tajikistan’s second-largest city, ordered that the city’s largest and...

30 Years & No Results: Have Kashmiri Pandits Only Been Used As Political Tools By Successive Indian Governments?

In August 2019, Modi-Government abrogated Jammu and Kashmir’s special status with thunderous applause from the Indian Parliament and massive condemnation from Pakistan and the...

Chinese Experts Term Indian Defence Systems Incompetent, Useless

India isn’t proficient in developing a capable missile defence system, according to Chinese media. But does this indicate a concern with India – or is...

How Sanskrit Language Is Associated With The Tibet and Xinjiang?

Most people aren’t aware that until about a millennium ago, the Tarim Basin (northwest of Tibet) had Indian cultural influence. It was a flourishing...