Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeExpert Reviews

Expert Reviews

MIG 21 vs F-16: Can a 3rd Generation MIG-21 Really Shoot-Down A Hi-Tech F-16 Fighter Jet?

MIG 21 vs F-16 Fighter Jet - How does the Russian/Indian MIG-21 Bison compete against Pakistani/US F-16 Fighter Jet? India insisted that its MIG-21...

Kashmiri Pandit Urges KP Community To Re-Unify with Muslims for Mother Kashmir: Opinion

Kashmiri Pandits have endured a lot of hardships which still horrifies our essence. The carnage we endured and the adversity we suffered was silently...

5 Reasons Why Pakistan PM Imran Khan is Set To Become The Greatest South Asian Leader

Pakistan's dynamic PM Imran Khan with his 'Midas Touch' has started to do wonders to fortunes of both Pakistan and South Asia. Billions of...

US To Exit From INF Treaty with Russia From February: Reports

The US will commence the process of withdrawing from the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) from February 2. This was announced on Wednesday, Deputy State...

Indian Military Base in the Maldives is Not a Top Priority for New Delhi?

Indian Military Base in the Maldives has been in news all over, but does India really need a military base in the Maldives? As...