Friday, September 20, 2024


Vladimir Putin to Run for Russian Presidency in 2018 Again

Vladimir Putin will run for a new presidential term in 2018. The head of state himself said this at a meeting with veterans and workers...

Bitcoin surges past 12,000 USD

Bitcoin continues to rise exponentially in its value, defying the naysayers to smash through the US$12,000 ($17371) milestone for the first time. The notoriously volatile...

British Intelligence uncovers plot To kill Prime Minister Theresa May

MI5, Britain's highly reputed domestic intelligence agency has got hold of a terrorist plot to assassinate Theresa May, Prime Minister of Britain. Two men have...

Violence Soars In Yemen After Death Of Former Dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh

An escalation of death threatening violence “could not come at a worse time” in Yemen. The country is torn apart by a civil war that...

Southern California fire explodes ‘Out of control’

VENTURA, Calif. — Ferocious fires forced tens of thousands of people to flee from their homes in Southern California on Tuesday. The massive flames...