Friday, September 20, 2024


North Korea Can Now Strike US Mainland with ICBM – Hwasong-15

North Korea claims to have launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Hwasong-15 capable to hit the US anywhere. North Korea has completed the creation of full-fledged...

Hero or Loser – Iran Wrestler Alireza Karimi Concedes Against Israel Opponent?

Iranian Wrestler Alireza Karimi was sailing through in a wrestling match against his Russain opponent before he decided to lie down (as if he...

How US Plans to Deal with India & Pakistan over Afghanistan?

How does the US (United States) plan to deal with India and Pakistan over Afghanistan? According to the US Department of State (in its annual...

Lebanon PM Saad Hariri Blames Iran for Mayhem in Middle East

Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri said that what-ever happened with him during the three weeks he stayed in Saudi Arabia would be reserved for himself, adding that he...

Now Why is Kazakhstan Angry and Accusing Russia?

Why is Kazakhstan Accusing Russia and Kyrgyzstan? Recently, the quality of food products supplied to Kazakhstan from Kyrgyzstan and Russia has deteriorated. This was stated...