Friday, September 20, 2024


Who Funds and Trains the Islamic State or ISIS?

The "Islamic State" is an Islamist terrorist organization operating in Iraq and Syria (abbreviated IS or ISIL or ISIS and DAISH in the Arab...

Scores Detained in Boston Demonstrations

Police arrested 27 people during demonstrations in Boston that took place on Saturday.This was announced at a press conference by the city police chief...

Can India Remove AFSPA from Kashmir?

Armed Forces Special Powers Acts or AFSPA are Acts of the Government of India that give extraordinary powers and complete immunity to the Indian Armed Forces in any...

Barcelona Terrorist Attacks: Casualties From 18 Countries

Barcelona Terrorist Attacks was a cowardly act carried out by ISIS terrorists. A total of at least 13 people were killed and more than...

PAK-FA to Send Shivers to Enemies, including PAK?

The state tests of the S-111 communications complex for the fifth generation Su-57 fighter or PAK-FA will be completed by the end of 2017. This...