Saturday, December 28, 2024


History of Kashmir Dispute – How India Won Bangladesh and Lost Kashmir in 1971

What is the History of Kashmir Dispute? What was the reason for Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits and Current Crisis in the Valley? EurAsian Times analyses...

Exodus Of Kashmiri Pandits: Did Terrorists Kill Kashmiri Pandits Because They Were Indian Agents?

Prior to the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, many Muslims in the Kashmir valley would burst crackers outside their houses, celebrating Pakistan’s victory over India...

How Pakistan’s Space Agency SUPARCO Beat ISRO In Space Race?

Why Pakistan's Space Agency SUPARCO was left behind by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) despite being at least a decade ahead? What went wrong...

How Lucrative is the Stone Pelting Business in Kashmir?

Is Stone Pelting in Kashmir really a lucrative business and how is this operated? Stone Pelters have made life difficult for the local people and the...

Why North & South Korea are Falling Apart?

It all started with the countries like Russia and Japan fighting for control of Korea in 1904. Japan used its success to occupy Korea in...