Saturday, September 21, 2024
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South Asia

Very High Casualty of BSF Troopers Stationed at India-Pakistan Border in J&K

BSF Troops stationed along the India-Pakistan border in Jammu and Kashmir have become biggest victims of cross-border firing. In 2018, 12 BSF Troopers were...

Why Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Actually Wanted India To Annex Bangladesh in 1971 War? Inside Story

The fall of Bangladesh remains the darkest memory in the history of Pakistan.  Even though you may have read many versions of the Bangladesh...

After Pakistan, Can the US Invite Iran to Resolve the “Deadly” Afghanistan Conflict?

Will Afghanistan be a binding point between the US and Iran? Recently, US officials met the Afghan Taliban representatives, a meeting broked by Pakistan...

British Airways Resumes Flight to Pakistan Nearly a Decade After Marriott Bombings in Islamabad

British Airways - The national carrier of the UK, will recommence operations in Pakistan after nearly a decade, according to a statement by the British...

Afghan Taliban – US Government Meeting Brokered by Pakistan Successful?

The meeting between the United States and Afghan Taliban which was brokered by Pakistan and held in the United Arab Emirates on Monday was...