Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeSouth Asia

South Asia

India-Japan To Enhance Cooperation with Massive Defence Exercise

To deepen India-Japan relations, the two nations will hold their first ever joint military exercise towards the end of this year. The two nations...

Azerbaijan Planning Direct Flights to India, Pakistan To Boost Tourism

Azerbaijan is planning direct flights to India and Pakistan to boost its tourism potential. Baku is planning to attract tourists from various nations including many...

Massive Opportunities in Indian-Afghanistan Trade Relations

Indian-Afghanistan Trade Relations are on an upswing, despite few hiccups. The Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry stated that at present goods including carpets, fresh...

As India-China Relations Improve, Chinese Defence Minister Visits India

India-China Relations are improving in all the areas including the defence cooperation. Now, Chinese Defence Minister Lt Gen Wei Fenghe is set to begin...

India Becomes Only 3rd Country to Develop “Drogue Light” for LCA Tejas

India’s first indigenous fighter aircraft LCA Tejas is set to get even more powerful. The Central Scientific and Instrument Organisation (CSIO) has successfully developed...