Sunday, September 8, 2024
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South Asia

Under Make in India, Defence Manufacturers Bag 66% of Indian Military Contracts

PM Narendra Modi's "Make In India" drive continues to firmly stand behind local manufacturers in India. More than any other area, the Make In...

China Enticing Bhutan, The Last Standing Indian Ally to Join OBOR Project

Will Bhutan strike a friendship with China and participate in its OBOR Project? To ease out tensions between China and Bhutan, both nations discussed...

Ensure Safe & Dignified Return of Rohingyas: UNSC to Myanmar

Taking cognisance of the Rohingya crisis, the UN has asked Myanmar to create favourable grounds for the safe and dignified return of the Rohingya...

Pakistan Critical to US South Asian Strategy for Afghanistan

Why is Pakistan Critical to US South Asian Strategy for Afghanistan? General Joseph Votel (US Central Command) said that violence continues to wreak havoc...

Iran Emerges Second Largest Oil Exporter To India, Despite Sanctions

India-Iran trade relations flourished emphatically in 2018. Between April and June of 2018, Iran remained the second largest exporter of oil to Indian state...