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Top Business Trends
Middle East
Chinese J-16 or Russian SU-57 for Turkey After Trump Blocks F-35 Sale?
Amid ruptured US-Turkey diplomatic ties, the US has put on hold the sale of F-35 fighter jets to Ankara. Turkey had placed an order...
Middle East
Why is Saudi Arabia the “Messiah” for Pakistan’s Economic Crisis?
Why are Saudi Arabia-Pakistan Relations the last hope of survival for an indebted Islamabad? Will Saudi Arabia be the Messiah to an economically dwindling Pakistan?...
South Asia
How is Turkey Hitting the Indian Economy Very Hard?
Even then Indian Economy is feeling the aftereffects of the US-Turkey Conflict as the woes of the Turkish Lira hit Indian markets hard. Indian...
Top Business Trends
BRICS Rejects Full-Time Membership to Turkey; Ankara Dejected
Turkey's aspirations to be a permanent member of the BRICS seem a distant dream as of now. Recep Erdogan, the President of Turkey expressed...
United Nations Going Bankrupt; Afghanistan, Pakistan Amongst Key Defaulters
The United Nations which has stood firmly since 1945 as a pillar of global peace may soon be left with no cash at all....