Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Karabakh Today, Kashmir Tomorrow: Is Kashmir’s Liberation Next On Cards For Turkish President Erdogan?

Turkey and Pakistan continue to present a united front on multiple international platforms, have grown their military and bilateral ties to unprecedented levels. Turkey has fully supported Pakistan on its Kashmir position on the international platforms, even at the UN, urging India to resolve the dispute according to the wishes of Kashmiris, as Pakistan has been maintaining.

‘Flying Coffins’: Russian-Origin MiG-21 Fighter Jets Could Be Converted Into Combat Drones – Reports

Vietnam, the South-East Asian nation which is also in conflict with China like many other nations including India could be planning to make a...

Why Indian Air Force Needs This 4th-Gen Jet Than Can Even Outgun A 5th-Gen Aircraft Like F-35s & Su-57s?

With the complete dynamic within the United States shifting with the election of Joe Biden as the 46th President, China is likelier to breathe...

Election Fiasco Or Secret Affair – Why Is Melania Planning To Divorce Donald Trump – FACT CHECK

After losing the presidential elections, rumors have it that Donald Trump is likely to lose his wife Melania Trump as well. The media is...

Why Indian-Origin Kamala Harris May Not Do Any ‘Kamaal’ For India & The Modi Government?

US Senator Kamala Harris has made history by not just being the first black person and the first person of Indian descent to become...