Thursday, September 19, 2024


Impeachment Process set up to Dethrone Robert Mugabe

Zimbabwe's current president Robert Mugabe is expected to be dethroned from his powers after the ruling party on Monday ordered impeachment proceedings to begin against...

Which Country has the Best International Image?

According to the latest Nation Brands Index, Germany enjoys the best international image of all the countries in the world. The survey found that...

Are Saudi-Israel Boosting Relations to Counter Iran?

Are Saudi-Israel Relations on an Upswing? The Saudi Media interviewed the Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Gadi...

Chinese Envoy to visit North Korea, likely to urge Denuclearization

Chinese envoy, Song Tao, the head of the Communist Party’s external affairs department, will visit Pyongyang on Friday, China’s state-run news agency, Xinhua reported. According...

What is Happening with Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe?

Since Tuesday, residents, and guests of Harare cannot understand what is happening in the city. First, armored vehicles unexpectedly appeared on the outskirts, where fighting...