The China Coast Guard (CCG) has reportedly deployed a long-range acoustic device (LRAD) to target Philippine vessels in the West Philippine Sea, according to a statement published by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
“For the first time, CCG-3103 used an LRAD to harass a Philippine Coast Guard vessel, attempting to prevent close approach,” stated Commodore Jay Tarriela, PCG spokesman for the West Philippine Sea, in a post on X (formerly Twitter).
Crewmembers reported that the LRAD emitted high-decibel sound waves that were not only intensely painful but also posed a risk of permanent hearing damage, potentially causing deafness.
Acoustic Weapons: The Sound Warfare
Long-Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) or Acoustic Hailing Devices (AHD) are specialized loudspeakers capable of emitting powerful sound waves over vast distances. Initially designed for communication, they’ve also found use in crowd control, sometimes causing permanent hearing damage due to their extremely high decibel levels.
But the LRAD can serve a darker purpose—becoming a weapon for harassing and disorienting adversaries.

Acoustic or sonic weapons, including terms like “noise bazookas,” “sonic bullets,” and “sound cannons,” unleash intense sound waves that can be either painfully audible or disturbingly inaudible. They range from amplifying messages to causing physical harm with overwhelming noise.
These devices exploit the physics of sound waves—variations in pressure traveling through air or other fluids. Many acoustic weapons focus on ultra-high frequencies (ultrasound above 20 kilohertz), low frequencies (below 100 hertz), or even infrasound (below 20 hertz).
While the average human hearing range spans 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz, these weapons can target frequencies outside this range, causing physical effects like nausea, disorientation, or hearing loss, depending on the intensity.
As we age, our sensitivity to high-frequency sounds diminishes, but loud low-frequency sounds can still be perceived, often with distressing consequences.
The Rise Of LRADs
Acoustic technology, initially developed for crowd control in the early 1990s, evolved into a powerful tool with the creation of the Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD).
In the wake of the October 2000 terrorist attack on the USS Cole, American Technology Corporation—now LRAD Corporation—developed this device as a response to emerging threats.
Since the 1990s, the US military and private companies have researched ultra- and infra-sonic devices capable of inducing tinnitus, pain, and even cognitive or behavioral changes at frequencies too high or low for the human ear to detect.
The LRAD first came to global attention in November 2005 when pirates attempted to attack a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia. The device’s ability to ward off attackers quickly demonstrated its formidable power, and it was soon adopted by military and law enforcement agencies worldwide.
Whether used for communication or as a deterrent against potential threats, the LRAD has proven to be a versatile asset. Its relatively compact size and portability make it easy to transport, set up, and mount virtually anywhere.
Think of it as an audio spotlight. Stand beside or behind the LRAD, and a normal conversation is possible. But step directly into its beam, and the sound becomes excruciatingly painful.
Today, LRAD Corporation reports that their devices are sold in over 100 countries, reflecting the growing demand for this high-tech sonic weapon.
Health Risks: More Than Just Noise
While there is limited medical research on the health effects of acoustic weapons, some existing literature suggests that these devices, initially developed by the military, may have been evaluated under biased conditions, often yielding inconclusive or skewed results. The improper use or lack of operator knowledge about these weapons can lead to severe, unintended injuries.
Sound cannons, designed to emit excruciatingly loud sounds, have the potential to cause severe harm to the eardrums and delicate inner ear structures, sometimes resulting in permanent hearing loss.
While earplugs or covering the ears may offer minimal protection, these measures often fall short in preventing significant damage. Manufacturers recommend using sound cannons at a minimum distance of 10–20 meters to reduce harm.
The risks aren’t just limited to the target audience. Law enforcement officers who operate these devices are also at significant risk and are strongly advised to wear ear protection.
In addition to hearing damage, acoustic weapons can rupture the delicate membranes inside the middle and inner ear and, when deployed at close range, even harm vital organs like the lungs.
The Surge Of Acoustic Warfare
Since 2016, the use of LRADs and other acoustic weapons has skyrocketed. Countries like China, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United States have increasingly adopted these sonic devices, prompting concerns from professional organizations like ‘Audiology Australia’.
The organization has raised alarms about the potential for permanent hearing loss and other auditory issues associated with these devices. “The misuse of LRADs is a real concern, as they can easily be set to dangerously high decibel levels,” ‘Audiology Australia’ stated.
As geopolitical tensions rise—evidenced by the recent China-Philippines incident—the implications of acoustic warfare extend beyond immediate physical harm. These devices are increasingly shaping maritime confrontations, influencing the strategies and dynamics of nations engaged in territorial disputes, and creating new challenges in the global security landscape.
- Shubhangi Palve is a defense and aerospace journalist. Before joining the EurAsian Times, she worked for ET Prime. She has over 15 years of extensive experience in the media industry, spanning print, electronic, and online domains.
- Contact the author at shubhapalve (at)