Europe Dumped Moldova & Alleviated from Russia: President Igor Dodon

President of Moldovan Igor Dodon said that last week’s Eastern Partnership Summit once again confirmed that the Republic of Moldova is at the bottom of Europe’s priorities. “The disappointment of Chisinau’s Europeans dreams has long been chronic, and Moldova’s chances of joining the European Union in the coming decades are almost equal to zero. Thus, it is confirmed that our pro-European authorities are still promoting the geopolitics of illusions, “the head of state said.

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According to President Igor Dodon, the parliament and the government of Moldova, realizing the lack of prospects for European integration in the foreseeable future, “use anti-Russian geopolitical rhetoric not so much to make themselves more attractive in the eyes of the West, but rather to create a favorable ideological background within the country based on their own political and pre-election considerations”. “Thus, the anti-Russian geopolitical rhetoric is not just not justified, but absolutely useless in its relations with the West,” he added.

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Bitter Truth by Igor Dodon – President of Moldova

President Igor Dodon notes that because of the false slogans, party and personal interests of the representatives of the ruling majority, a lot of time was lost and many opportunities missed for the development of the country and for improving the quality of life of citizens of Moldova. The authorities manipulated the people, claiming that the republic would soon join the European Union, added President Igor Dodon.

“In recent years, citizens of the Republic of Moldova have undergone a massive manipulative campaign, the goal of which has been and remains to prove that accession to the EU is not only a feasible task, but it will happen in the near future. And all these manipulations have occurred and are taking place against the backdrop of the serious problems facing the European Union, as well as clear and unambiguous statements by Brussels that the EU does not intend to expand, “the president believes.

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According to the leader of the country, the pro-European regime controlled by the Democratic Party (DPM) destroyed strategically important relations with the Russian Federation, artificially provoked conflicts and scandals that distanced us from partners who always played an important role in the development of the Moldovan economy.

“Today, as never before, it is obvious that all pro-European hysterics pursued only one goal – to create an ideal veil, behind which there were very, very unsightly things,” concluded Igor Dodon.

It was reported earlier that the Moldovan Prime Minister, Pavel Filip, represented Moldova at the Eastern Partnership Summit on November 24 in Brussels. At the event, the European Union, together with representatives of six countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) assessed the results of their implementation of the plan of action for European integration for 2017.

During the visit, the head of the Moldovan government also visited NATO headquarters, where he presented the newly appointed head of the defense department of the republic, Eugenia Sturza, and discussed with the Secretary-General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg prospects for further cooperation in a number of strategic areas.