Pakistan Has Found Treatment To CoronaVirus, Exporting Drugs To China: Media Claims

The spread of the COVID-19 or Coronavirus has intensified around the world, with a massive number of cases emerging in South Korean – the highest number outside of China. The Coronavirus has already killed over 2400 people and there is no immediate solution in sight to counter the virus.

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Italy confirmed its first two deaths from the virus as authorities moved to close schools, bars and other public spaces in 10 northern towns. In the Middle East, Iran’s health ministry reported a sixth death on Saturday, a day after Israel and Lebanon confirmed their first cases.

In the midst of all the chaos, an unlikely country seems to have found a solution to check the Coronavirus. An article by China Economic Net and widely circulated by Pakistan media claims that Pakistan has an effective drug for COVID-19 and over 300,000 pieces have already been exported to China.

On February 20th, after noticing that the official Weibo account of Bayer China said it had made an emergency deployment of chloroquine phosphate tablets in Pakistan at the beginning of this month, CEN reporter quickly contacted to verify the matter.

The official Weibo account of Bayer China confirmed the news and said that the batch of medicines was completed in 24 hours. 200,000 of the 300,000 tablets were “sold” to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPHL) at zero yuan.

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Earlier, Economic Daily reported that on February 5th, GPHL first purchased 15,000 tablets of chloroquine phosphate in Pakistan through various channels, and then purchased another 200,000 tablets. The drugs arrived in Guangzhou at 7:00 p.m. on February 8th.

It took less than 4 days from purchasing in Pakistan to arriving in Guangzhou. In addition to the international and domestic airline time, it is not easy for Pakistan, a country with less developed transport infrastructure that is suffering from a severe locust plague, to urgently collect, transport and cooperate to undertake the fastest international rescue for dispensing the effective drugs to treat COVID-19.

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CEN reporter learned from further interviews that chloroquine phosphate production was suspended in China for 20 years. In order to deliver the first batch of effective drugs successfully, from February 5th to 8th, in addition to GPHL and Bayer, there are many more heroes behind the scenes, such as China Southern Airlines and Urumqi Customs CEN is now collecting clues.

What other heroes behind the scenes in both China and Pakistan are contributing quietly for this? If any information, please contact us!

This article originally appeared on China Economic Net