PM Khan Holds High-Level Meeting On Kashmir; Vows To Defend Pakistan Against Any Indian Aggression

Pakistan PM Imran Khan stated that Islamabad will always stand with Kashmiris people and will not be deterred from its righteous stance based on United Nations Security Council’s resolutions and aspirations of Kashmiri people. 

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Chairing the National Security Committee’s (NSC) meeting in Islamabad today, PM Khan statted that India is totally disregarding international obligations and its arrogance will only result in heightening the conflict dynamics in the region.

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Khan invited the attention of world leaders and international bodies towards irresponsible, unilateral and irrational behaviour of Indian leadership. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s resolve to respond to any Indian misadventure or aggression with the full support of the nation.

The meeting was briefed on India’s deplorable suppression of people of Jammu and Kashmir, plans to use bogey of terrorism for political ends disregarding situation on ground, use of cluster munitions against civilians to provoke Pakistan and use of disinformation to confuse the real intent which is changing the demographic structure and the internationally recognised disputed status Occupied Kashmir.

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The Forum noted with concern that the recent buildup of forces and their brutal use against an unarmed population is adding fuel to fire. The forum strongly condemned such Indian strategy at this time when Pakistan and the international community are focused on resolving the Afghan conflict.

The recent Indian measures will increase the levels of violence and turn this area into a flashpoint and a destabilising factor in the midst of two strategically capable neighbouring countries.

Khan asserted that Pakistan remains ready to defend itself against any Indian misadventure or aggression and will continue to provide all-out diplomatic, moral and political support to the brave people of Jammu and Kashmir in their indigenous struggle to get justice and their right to self-determination in line as per UNSC resolutions.