US Calls China The “Greatest Long-Term Threat” To The Future Of United States

China is the biggest threat to the US. This was stated by the director of the FBI who said that the acts of espionage and theft by the Chinese government poses the “greatest long-term threat” to the future of the United States.

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FBI Director – Christopher Wray, speaking to the Hudson Institute in Washington said that Beijing had started targeting Chinese citizens living overseas, pressuring their return, and was working to jeopardise US COVID-19 research.

“The stakes could not be higher,” Wray said. “China is engaged in a whole-of-state effort to become the world’s only superpower by any means necessary,” he added.

Wray also talked about Chinese interference and said — “We’ve now reached a point where the FBI is now opening a new China-related counterintelligence case every 10 hours,” Wray said. “Of the nearly 5,000 active counterintelligence cases currently underway across the country, almost half are related to China.”

He also accused Chinese President Xi Jinping of working on a programme called “Fox Hunt” aimed at targeting Chinese citizens living overseas seen as menaces to Beijing. “We’re talking about political rivals, dissidents, and critics seeking to expose China’s extensive human rights violations,” he said. “The Chinese government wants to force them to return to China, and China’s tactics to accomplish that are shocking.”

He continued: “When it couldn’t locate one Fox Hunt target, the Chinese government sent an emissary to visit the target’s family here in the United States. The message they said to pass on? The target had two options: return to China promptly, or commit suicide.”

It clearly indications that the US now sees China not only as a hostile opponent, but also an aspiring contender for global leadership. What is evident is that the power dynamics between China and the US have radically transformed, and irrespective of the next US president, tensions between China and the US will only intensify.