

Russia Puts Whole Of Europe & Parts Of The US In A ‘Hit Zone’ With New Electronic Warfare System (EWS)

The Northern Fleet has confirmed that the Russian military stationed in the Murmansk region has for the first time carried out large-scale use of...

100 YEARS: Why The US B-52 “BUFF” Bomber Could Be The First Aircraft Ever To Complete A Century In Service?

While China has gone ahead with its expansionist policy in several regions across the globe, most notably in the resource-rich South China Sea, there...

Why The US Is Not Leaving Afghanistan Any Time Soon Despite Donald Trump’s ‘Election’ Vows?

The US peace efforts in Afghanistan have been jeopardized amid a rise in insurgent attacks, as per a report by the U.S. government watchdog agency. It...

British Defense Firm Pitted Against US’ Giants – Lockeed & Boeing To Develop Japan’s Stealth Fighter Jet

US defense giant Boeing and Lockheed Martin and British BAE Systems have replied to a request for information (RFI) issued by Japan’s Acquisition, Technology...

F-35s Rejected, Germany OKs A Whopping 5.4 Billion Euro Contract To Buy 38 Eurofighter Typhoons

The German parliament, the Bundestag, has reportedly approved the acquisition of more Typhoon fighter jets to arm the Luftwaffe, the German Air Force.  F-18 Super...
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