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EurAsian Region

Two Sukhoi-27 Fighter Jets Force US’ B-52 Bomber To Move Away from Russian Borders

Two Russian fighter jets Sukhoi-27 forced a US B-52 bomber to move away from the Russian border, the Defense Ministry told the media on...

Moscow Conference To Focus on Worsening Situation in The Middle East

The eighth Moscow Conference on International Security is scheduled to be held on April 23-25 in Moscow, the Russian capital. Participants in the Moscow Conference...

Russian Su-57 Fighter Jet Better Than American F-22: Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that he viewed the latest fifth-generation Su-57 fighter jet as the world’s best military aircraft. His views question the...

Russia To Use Nuclear-Powered Container Ship To Deliver Export Consignments to China

The Sevmorput container carrier is the only nuclear-powered cargo vessel which could be put into action to deliver export consignments to China and to...

Russia’s Northern Fleet to get new Submarines: Nikolai Yevmenov

The Russian Northern Fleet will get some new underwater cruisers, logistics vessels and military hardware this year, Fleet Commander Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov said on...
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