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Imran Khan Launches ‘Special Medical Cards’ For Underprivileged in Pakistan

Pakistan PM Imran Khan unveiled the first phase of  Sehat Insaf Card scheme to give free medical aid to over 80 million BPL families in Pakistan. Pakistan’s Sehat Insaf Card scheme covers free medical treatment worth Rs 720,000 in private or state-owned hospitals.  

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Pakistan’s health minister Aamir Kiani said that the health scheme will be first launched in Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Islamabad. In the case of tribal districts, the cards will be distributed to each family while 85,000 families in Islamabad will get this card. The cardholder will also receive the cost of transport up to Rs 1,000 for each hospital visit.

The scheme will provide treatment for angioplasty, brain surgery, and cancer.

“The cards will be distributed in Islamabad, then our tribal areas and then all over the country,” Pakistan’s PM said. Imran Khan emphasised saying, “We want to aid and safeguard the poor segments of the society by issuing health cards.”

The Sehat Insaf Card is part of  Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party’s Sehat Sahulat Programme which is an extension of health insurance scheme first launched by the party in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region in 2016. “It was first issued to half of all households, then to 69% of poor households in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” Khan said.

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