The Indian Armed Forces have asked its officers and soldiers to be careful against honey traps laid by Pakistani intelligence agency – ISI. “The Indian Armed forces will take necessary action against any defence personnel involved in betraying the country”, said Lieutenant General Cherish Mathson, General Officer Commander-in-Chief, South Western Command of the Indian Army.
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The officer said that honey traps take place across the world and the army educates its personnel from time to time against falling prey to it. “Pakistan uses women spies as honey traps to target Indian soldiers and the latter need to be aware of the fact that acts of treachery will be dealt with severely”, he added.
Recently, Indian soldier Somveer Singh posted with an armoured unit Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer was arrested for sharing military secrets with a woman, Pakistani Spy whom he contacted through Facebook. Singh had given away the location of several military installations and details of field exercises conducted by the army to the Pakistani spy.
The Central government shared details in Parliament of cases of honey trapping in the armed forces for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. According to the government records, three defence personnel were honey trapped by enemy spies in 2015. While two of the soldiers were from the army, one was from the Indian Air Force. There were no cases of honey traps in 2016 but two Army soldiers were arrested in 2017. No Indian Air Force or Indian Navy personnel was honey trapped in 2017.
The Defence Minister of State, Dr Subhash Bhamre said in a written reply to Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Pal Singh Tomar: “Service personnel and their families are regularly sensitised on the use of honey traps as a modus operandi by foreign intelligence operatives. Advisories have been issued to all concerned. Special attention is being paid to new entrants in training institutes. Simultaneously, regular intelligence liaison with other agencies is maintained to detect such attempts.”
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