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Why Did Kim Jong-un Lash Out at North Korean Health Officials?

 Kim Jong-un, the North Korean supreme leader has castigated his own country’s health services. Kim Jong-un lashed out at the officials calling them irresponsible as reported by the state media on Tuesday. North Korea is suffering from chronic food shortages and inadequate health services.

As reported by Global Times, Kim Jong-un told Korean Central News Agency that some sectors in North Korea have made a remarkable progress in recent years but not the health sector. He further added that the public health sector has made no remarkable improvements and it is rather becoming more and more passive.

Kim Jong-un added that no unit is keeping its environment well to ensure improvements in the public health sector. He stressed the need to improve public health conditions in the nation.

North Korea is subjected to several sanctions from the United Nations Security Council. It has always been accused of ignoring its health sectors and other public sectors while pursuing the establishment of a rigorous nuclear arsenal. The healthcare infrastructure in North Korea is poor and people even don’t have access to clean and safe drinking water.

Since the historic US-North Korea Summit in Singapore earlier this year, Kim Jong-un has stressed on economic development of the nation. He has been constantly visiting factored and industrial sites across the nation. While North Korea has been pressing for an end to sanctions imposed on it, the US has been urging nations to maintain sanctions on North Korea till a complete denuclearisation is achieved.

The summit instilled hopes of an enhanced framework for global peace and denuclearisation but now North Korea has refused all proposals made by the US in terms of denuclearization. All the developments of the summit hailed by the entire world now seem to be dashing as both nations still stand opposed to each other.

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