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Fears Erupt Over Taliban’s Plans To Capture The Nesi District of Afghanistan

Officials from Nesi district in north-eastern Badakhshan province of Afghanistan fear that it could be the next target of the Taliban fighters. The officials of the district have warned about the escalating threats from the Taliban whose activities in the region are increasing with each passing day.
The district governor acknowledged the intensification of the Taliban’s presence in the region and stated that the centre of the Nesi district is in complete control of the Afghan government. If Nesi falls into the hands of the Taliban fighters after Ghazni then four other districts of Afghanistan will become isolated from the rest of the country.
The district governor further added that if reinforcements and weapons are not supplied by helicopters then the district will soon fall into the hands of the Taliban. He also added that if this bid by Taliban to conquer the Nesi district isn’t foiled then ultimately four districts will be cut off from the rest of the country which will be a big cause of worry for the Afghanistan government and security forces.
The Nesi district is of extreme importance for the Afghanistan government. It is the link to Maymi, Kof Aab, Sheki and Khowahan districts of Afghanistan. If Nesi falls then these too will be cut off from the mainland. These districts share a border with Tajikistan and Nesi is the only district through which all these districts receive supplies.
In recent weeks Taliban has been on the offensive. There’s been a sharp surge in violence as general elections are approaching. Recently, the Ghazni city had been taken over by the Taliban fighters and several army base camps had come under attack too. The situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and the hopes of peace are dashing despite efforts being made by the US and the Afghanistan government to create a conducive environment for peace talks with the Taliban.

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