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US Cancels Coalition Support Funds To Pakistan For Promoting “Terror Business”

Why is US Canceling Coalition Support Funds To Pakistan? Are US-Pakistan relations deteriorating due to terrorism in Afghanistan? The US officials stated that it will cancel $300 million aid (under Coalition Support Funds) to Pakistan over Islamabad’s reluctance to take decisive action against terrorists.

The Coalition Support Funds were part of a larger halting in aid to Pakistan announced by President Donald Trump at the start of the year when he attacked Pakistan of rewarding past assistance with “nothing but lies & deceit.” The Trump administration says Islamabad is providing safe haven to Taliban radicals who are waging a deadly in neighbouring Afghanistan, an accusation Pakistan denies.

US-Pakistan Tensions

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis had an opportunity to sanction $300 million in Coalition Support Funds if he witnessed concrete Pakistani actions to go after radicals. “Due to a lack of Pakistani decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy the remaining $300 (million) was reprogrammed,” Pentagon spokesman said.

The revelation came ahead of a possible visit by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and General Joseph Dunford to Islamabad. James Mattis told the reporters that battling terrorists would be a “primary part of the discussion.”

Experts on the Afghan conflict, US’ longest war debate that terrorist safe havens in Pakistan have allowed Taliban and affiliated insurgents in Afghanistan a place to plan and execute deadly strikes and regroup after terror strikes.

The Pentagon made similar determinations on Coalition Support Funds in the past but this year’s move could get more notice in Islamabad, and its new prime minister, Imran Khan, at a time when its economy is really struggling.

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