Pakistan Again Indicates Moving Troops From Afghanistan To Indian Border

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US – Asad Majeed Khan stated that Islamabad could redeploy troops from Afghanistan border to Kashmir frontier, a move that could hamper American peace talks with the Taliban.

In an interview with The New York Times, Khan reiterated that the Kashmir and Afghanistan issues were separate and that he was not attempting to link them. On the contrary, he said, Pakistan hoped talks between Washington with the Taliban would succeed and that his country was actively supporting them.

As earlier reported by the EurAsian Times, Pakistan could move its army from Afghanistan border to the India border in response to Indian revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.

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According to the report, “It will take 3-4 days for the Pakistan army to gather their wits and make a strategy. We are keeping a close watch and ready to respond swiftly to any threat emerging from Pakistan,” said sources in the defence establishment.

“We have our hands full on the western border,” Ambassador Khan said, adding, “If the situation escalates on the eastern border, we will have to undertake redeployments.” “Right now in Islamabad, we are not thinking about anything but what is happening on our eastern border.”

Earlier, In an article published in The Washington Post, Ambassador Khan said India’s revocation of  Kashmir’s special status was a slap in the face of a renewed American commitment to solve the Kashmir dispute.